How to kill bed bugs naturally with Silica Gel or Diatomaceous Erd

It is difficult for bed bugs to be killed. Many people want DDT to eliminate all bed bugs in one shot. However, such treatment is not available.

It is now very difficult to kill these pests because they have developed resistance against a variety of household pesticides. Any bed bug control program can be successful with a variety of methods, the most popular being natural residual dust treatment Desiccant Manufacturers.

Natural residual dust treatment is active for many days, weeks, or months after application. The natural residual dust treatment is not the only way to get rid of bed bugs. You must use it in combination with other treatments to eradicate an infestation.

Diatomaceous Earth - DE

Diatomaceous soil, or diatomite as it is also known, is a dust that has been dried from the remains of microorganisms called microorganisms called "diatoms". It is made up of silica-based structures of microorganisms called microrganisms called "diatoms". DE has a chemical composition of approximately 90% silica. 4% alumina, and 2% ferrous oxide.

The EPA approved DE label can be used as a natural and non-chemical pest control method. The powder is tiny and sticks to the insect's skin. It then scratches it off, causing it to dehydrate and eventually die.

This is an effective, long-lasting residual treatment for bedbugs. You can scatter the powder under the mattress ridges and in the box spring.

This mechanical treatment kills insects when they crawl on the dust. It is not an instant killing treatment, however. It does the job slowly. It is safe to mix it with other insecticides.


You can use it to. It is an all-natural way to get rid bed bugs.

b. It is free of synthetic chemicals and other additives.

c. It is non-toxic, odourless, and safe for all skin types.

d. The chemical is not subject to evaporation or degradation over time.

e. The long-term residual effects of the mineral are strong.

f. It can be used in conjunction with other treatments.

It is ideal for cracks or crevices. It kills newly hatched and reborn nymphs.

h. Bed bugs are not able to develop resistance against DE.


A. The powder must be crawled by the insect for it to work.

b. The powder can only kill a fraction of the population.

Safety and Health

The mineral is a great alternative to chemical treatments, especially when there are pets and children. It is safe to apply to surfaces that insecticide dusts can't (e.g. It is safe to use on bed frames and carpet.

DE mechanically combats bed bugs. All types of DE can be toxic, so it is important to read the label before you buy.

There are several types of DE. For example, the 100% diatomaceous soil is an insecticide for crawling pests. The 100% DE is also used as an animal feed additive to kill bed bugs.

DE used to make swimming pool filters is toxic for pets and humans. DE should not be used to control bed bugs. DE brands that advertise themselves as insecticides may include chemical additives like piperonylbutoxide or pyrethrum.

These products are toxic to animals and people. Before you buy the product make sure that you read the instructions.

Silica gel dust

If you have ever purchased a toy, an electronic device, or gourmet food product, and received a little packet containing silica gel. This is an effective treatment for bed bugs.

Silica gel acts as a desiccant. Because they absorb moisture from the atmosphere, gel is misleading. They are actually beads that are hard and brittle. Silica gel is transparent, and it contains silicon dioxide. Some varieties include aluminum oxide or alumina, which are similar to sandpaper.

Silica dust kills bed bugs instantly upon contact. It is safe to use silica jelly or sachets containing silica Gel in any product. The silica gel can be ground into powder.

You can mix the powder and an insecticide. The powder is still effective when used in its original form. Silica gel, which is commercially available, can also be found. This treatment is very effective and affordable to eliminate bed bugs.


a. It is capable of sustaining long term effects in environments with low humidity.

b. It is an inorganic and non-toxic treatment with low repellence.

c. It is an effective way to clean cracks and crevices, as well as kill newly hatched nymphs.

Safety and Health

Silica gel is an irritating agent so wear a mask. Silica gel should not be touched as it is non-toxic or hazardous. Silica gel can be touched and is considered safe. However, it should not ever be eaten. It is safe for normal use and is non-toxic. Gels should be kept away from children, pets, and animals.

If these inorganic material are not applied with care, they can leave a film across the items' surfaces.

Natural residual dust, which is not toxic to bed bugs, is the best option. The dust must be crawled by the pests in order to work. Only a small portion of the population will be able to crawl in the dust. Combining this treatment with a variety other treatments is crucial.


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